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What Exactly is in These Things?

Writer's picture: Amy TaftAmy Taft

For generations, many Americans have been raised to implicitly trust whatever advice and guidance our doctors gave us. I can't speak for everyone, but for me and my family, that season has long since passed. While some choose to elevate physicians to an almost godlike status, I've opted to view them as exceptionally gifted academics and mostly compassionate individuals who are often stuck in a very broken and sometimes sinister system. I believe many of these professionals genuinely feel they are serving their patients admirably, yet are actually doing great harm in many areas.

One of those areas is childhood vaccinations. When I was a child in the early 70s, only 3 vaccines were required. Now there are 36, with a total of some 73 doses. And each vaccine contains around 35 separate ingredients. None of these vaccines have ever been proven safe or effective. None of them have undergone rigorous scientific study with a true placebo. (You can read here and here in great detail). And that is why there is a reporting system and litigation process called VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)...because it has been known from the beginning that these vaccines can and do cause harm.

There was a time when parents and physicians could claim, "But, we didn't know!" That time is no longer. With just a few quick keystrokes, we have limitless information at our fingertips, to include the detailed ingredients in childhood vaccines. I am summarizing details gleaned from this podcast, but there are many other sources you can reference if you don't want to take my word or Dr. Tracey's word for it, which - by the way, you shouldn't. That's how our society has gotten to this place. Our blind acceptance of and total trust in a system that has proven time and again that it values profits over our health has led us down a dark path of chronic illness and avoidable suffering. It's time to turn that around! Start asking questions and take responsibility for the decisions made.

Without further ado, here is a quick list of the ingredients found in some, most, or all of the childhood vaccines. To begin, there are 4 main categories of ingredients. They are:

Attenuated viruses - these are weakened viruses against which the vaccine is supposed to offer protection.

Adjuvants - these are ingredients used to create a stronger immunological response in the body. Continue reading for more specifics.

Excipients - these are small amounts of compounds that serve as a vehicle for the rest of the vaccine ingredients and can include things like preservatives, fillers, and coloring agents.

Contaminants - this could include unwanted by-products produced during the manufacturing process.

Just a few of the adjuvants and contaminants might include:

  • MRC5 is aborted fetal tissue - this is the substrate used to grow the virus, unclear how this DNA interaction with a virus affects the injected person

  • egg protein - the second most common food allergy in America

  • formaldehyde - an active chemical toxin and known carcinogen

  • antibiotics - these destroy the gut microbiota and contribute to food sensitivities, among other medical conditions

  • thimerosol - a type of mercury, a heavy metal, a known neurotoxin with a laundry list of lasting side effects

  • aluminum - another toxic metal linked with cognitive conditions like Alzheimers and autism

  • MSG - a stabilizer (also used in food as a flavor enhancer) that is connected to headaches, fatigue, heart palpitations, and excitotoxicity

  • squalene - used to elicit a stronger immune response, can cause allergic reactions

  • gelatin - made from hooves of animals that are almost certainly fed GMO and glyphosate-laden corn and alfalfa, can cause anaphylactic responses in sensitive individuals (alpha-gal syndrome) and is not Kosher (thus treading upon religious rights guaranteed by our United States Constitution)

  • bovine products - serum is extracted via a puncture wound from the hearts of LIVE baby cows

  • polysorbate 80 - used as a stabilizer and emulsifier, no safety test has ever been done on this ingredient, linked to adverse reproductive effects/infertility, known carcinogen

  • multiple cell lines from assorted animals - dog kidney, African green monkey kidney, human kidney/lung/retinal cells, armyworms, and others It goes without saying that any parent who spoon-fed a child with even a miniscule amount of these ingredients would immediately be arrested and put in jail. But somehow doctors are allowed and even required to do so, without alarm, due warning, or repercussion. And parents line their children up to receive them year after year. Why?

    Are we any safer? Are our children any healthier? Or has the balance tipped in the very opposite direction? Look around and the evidence is clear to see. But only if you are willing to recognize and admit it.

    *Note - If you live locally and would like to learn more about the history of vaccines in America, I invite you to join us for a docu-drama movie matinee coming up in October. Details will be shared in my biweekly newsletter. If you don't already receive the newsletter, you can sign up here or send me a message to be added to the regular distribution. Another great resource is Children's Health Defense.

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